It was five years ago.
You were swimming in the puddle
and you had this glow.
I croaked softly,
You couldn't hear,
Paddling through the puddle-
You tucked through there.
We are now grown up,
Gazing at the mare.
We were so close,
That I could feel your flare;
You were pure white with beautiful feathers,
I roamed around in a green armour.
I croaked, you whooped;
Looking at each other we bonded right there.
We met from then-
In summers and in rain.
But winter was the time,
Which ghastly came.
It made it cold outside and in.
We talked to our families,
And they were in dismay.
They claimed it's not meant to be-
As we were different.
We fought through their words,
But we kept strong.
We couldn't make them see that-
Love conquer all.
Winding with the river,
We ran alone.
There came a farm,
Hidden in the twists and turns
We were both welcomed.
No one saw us as different,
And we stayed there life long.
This was our Dreamland.
This was our dream all along.